Problem Statement
Here are a couple of observations and pain points of different departments after talking to analysts working on the ground:
• Analysts of all departments are working on data, analytics, and reporting in silos.
• A lot of time is taken and effort exerted to create, store, and process BI reports. Senior management is asked about the number of analysts by each department as analysts’ bandwidths are fully occupied.
• If reporting frequency is inconsistent, there are long delays.
• IT department is unable to persuade business stakeholders that data is owned by business, not by IT.
• Lack of standardization on data, processes, and BI reporting technologies.
• Lack of automation and interoperability within existing and internal sources.
After further deep analysis, the core problem was identified, even though there are multiple core suggestions provided to AI Fabric School. These can be further classified into two parts: (1) technology and (2) process improvements.
Motivation is to collect data, analyze current state of data maturity and find pain points, suggest actionable insights to improve the state of data maturity in organization with a purpose of aligning with business goals and objectives.
Business Drivers
Business drivers are (1) optimizing business processes through automation and artificial intelligence; and (2) leveraging data to inform decision making.
Technology: Analytics Platform
In the presence of information from both internal and external disparate data sources, information must be managed to ease and reduce the time taken to retrieve it. This can be achieved by providing self-service capability. For uniform, standardized, and quality information, we need a platform where analysts of all departments can store, process, and clean data and automate reporting. AI Fabric School must get ready for the future by enabling machine learning and AI. There is a need to upgrade staff and analysts for future-ready skills.